Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 8- Balloon Head!

Hey hey hey.

So today was my first post-op appointment, and Dr. Vetter said everything looks perfect! yay! We compared xrays from before and after the surgery, and it's so crazy to see my top teeth in front of my bottom teeth. My jaw looks way shorter, too.

He took all the rubberbands off, but he said if I want them back on I can come back in. At first it felt like my jaw was just hanging there, but now the muscles are getting used to it. Today I had mashed potatoes, and they were soooo goooood.

We got back from the doctor and I was exhausted.. had to take a nap.

My mom said I look more swollen today than yesterday... going in the wrong direction! School starts on Monday; I hope I can go!

Pics later.


V said...

Hey Melissa! I can't believe I missed your big day! :(

How GOOD are the first mashed potatoes??? You're looking great, I can see how fab it's going to look once the swelling goes down.. And I'm sure it will look a lot better by the time you get to school... I went back about 2.5 wks after surgery and most of it had subsided by then...

Can't wait to see your new face in all it's glory! Be patient, it's frustrating having a balloon face but will be worth it!


Lisa said...

Ha ha ohh the swelling will go down soon enough and you will look awesome!!!! I cant wait myself to have my front teeth in front of the bottom. Would be such a weird feeling. Im glad everything so far has gone great xxx