Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ow, ow, ow

I've made it to the third day, and I'm a total baby!

Coupled with the wisdom tooth pain, my teeth are really bugging me! I've only really been able to suck the flavor out of solid foods, or just barely nibble on them until they're soft and small enough to swallow.

I'm starting to get used to the feeling of having them in, although everytime I sit down to eat my brain wants to automatically reach in and take the braces off before putting food in my mouth. Putting lipstick on is hard too--I can't rub my lips together without a lot of effort.

I was very worried about being made fun of at work, but everyone was pretty grown up about it. I guess it's just me not being able to let go of being made fun of for my jaw in grade school.

I went to a Halloween party last night and got a few pictures, I'll post them when I find the cord to my camera.

On another note, getting food stuck in these babies is a real pain! :) Also, my cheeks are getting destroyed! I've used the wax a few times, but I brush my teeth so much that I keep accidentally brushing the wax right off.

Shontell asked a couple posts back if I have a surgery date yet. My orthodontist told me that we would worry about that a little further down the road, when I was closer to being ready for surgery. Is this a good idea? He said that he has a few surgeons that he has worked with in the past for me to consider.

Thank you to everyone who leaves comments and links me; I appreciate everything!

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